terça-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2008

Breaking News about Heineken-Carlsberg offer over Scottish and Newcastle stockholders.

Regarding the Portuguese Companies of the group – Central de Cervejas Centralcer and Sociedade da Água de Luso.

A group of Luso’s business holders is studying the possibility of requesting from the Portuguese government the end of the contractual right of exploration of the Luso water (concession).

By the law Decreto-Lei n.º 186/2003 de 20-08-2003, the rights from the state representative Instituto geológico mineiro (IGM – Mining and geological Institute), were transferred to the Minister of Economics. This contract, now with 15 years, was signed for 50 years (to be possibly extended) and it was published on DR III Série, nº 229 de 29 de Setembro de 1993. (Quota nº HM-7 and denomination "Luso" from the IGM).

During the last 15 years (!!!) the company never fulfilled their obligation to accomplish one of the contract’s terms that states: Continue to develop the structures of support to the thermal business, namely the spa buildings and activity, therefore the contract signed in 20 July 1993 might be in risk.

The company has presented plans over plans, projects over projects, but has never accomplished one. The tactics of stakeholders and administration pass by a system of letting the time pass until the next administration board comes.

Since 15 years is one third of the time of the contract, it seems now, to this business holders, that the company isn’t interested in accomplishing its duty of public compensation by the exploration of a public good.

The recent acquisition made by the consortium Heineken-Carlsberg over Scottish and Newcastle (by Sunrise Acquisitions Limited “BidCo”) and therefore, over the Portuguese companies creates new doubts has to the new shareholders position and their will to accomplish public obligations dictated by contract with the Portuguese State.

Note about the brand LUSO: Luso is a traditional Portuguese Spa, destiny of the rich and nobles, known to exist since the early XIX century – Something like a Portuguese Vichy. Its water is the most famous in Portugal due to the town and its special physical and chemical characteristics, such as wonderful taste and skin smoothing properties. Because of that and because “Luso” also means “Portuguese” it has accomplished the status of “most magnetical brand in Portugal” accomplishing 70% of the water market share.

5 comentários:

lua-de-mel-lua-de-fel disse...

"Luso is a traditional Portuguese Spa"... duvido que o tempo verbal esteja correcto...

Jerico & Albardas, Lda. disse...

... e dizer que é um SPA também é uma grandessíssima mentira ("Lie" em inglês).
A não ser que SPA seja um diminutivo inglês de Splash.

Jerico & Albardas, Lda. disse...

caro d'artagan.
Essa notícia é excelente,na medida em que se fala neste assunto, fora de Portugal, suponho, but onde é que foi realmente publicada?
(Devias citar as fontes)

D'artagnan disse...

Fonte de S. João
Fonte do Castanheiro
Fonte do Carregal
Fonte Fria
Fonte de Sta Teresa
Fonte do Balneário Termal de Luso

El Tonel disse...

Se na vez das fontes, citassem mazé as adegas...